Directed by Larry Westlake
Produced by Bodene Corbitt and Katherine Turner
Pygmalion is about an English phonetics teacher, Henry Higgins who makes a bet that he can turn a lowly flower girl, Eliza Doolittle into a Duchess. Of course, a lot goes on in between, but that is the basic outline. If anybody has seen the award winning My Fair Lady on film or stage, you will know the plot. This is the story without the songs. The original!
June 27, 28, July 3, 4, 5, 10, and 11, 2025 at 8 p.m. and
June 29, July 6 and 12, 2025 at 2 p.m.
Venue: Scarborough Village Theatre, 3600 Kingston Rd (NE corner of Kingston and Markham)
Monday, April 7 2025, 7:30 – 10 p.m.
Tuesday, April 8 2025, 7:30 – 10 p.m.
Wednesday, April 9, 2025, 7:30- 10 p.m. if needed
Callbacks (if required)
Tuesday, April 15 7:30 p.m.- 10 p.m.
If you are auditioning, please keep this date open until advised otherwise. Please be prepared to be available for the full four hours. Callbacks will consist of scenes from the show. We ask that you be available for the full time.
Scarborough Players Unit - 780 Birchmount, Unit 5 (West side of Birchmount, south of Eglinton, beside the Alison’s Fine Foods). There is parking in front and near the entrance to the unit. TTC accessible by #17 Bus from Warden Station or any Eglinton West bus from Kennedy Station. However, Eglinton is under construction with the Cross-Town route and traffic can be slow from Kennedy. Please check with TTC for updates.
Please prepare a short comedic monologue – no more than 90 seconds. Something you know well. Be prepared to be re-directed.
There will be cold readings from the play. Please contact for more information about the play.
*Please present your audition piece without an accent. Cold readings for the characters will be given and that is where the accents will be needed.
Auditions must be booked in advance
To request an audition please email audition4sp@gmail.comPlease indicate your preferred date and the role in which you are interested.
Auditions are booked in 10-minute slots.
Once you have booked your audition, we will be sending you forms to complete at home. We also ask you to please email your resume and headshot/photo with your audition request. We will be managing contact, distancing, and numbers in the space.
First read-through: will be Tuesday, April 22 from 7:30 -10:30 p.m.
Most rehearsals will be held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 7:30 – 10:30 p.m. and Sundays, 1 – 5 p.m.
Some rehearsals and all performances are at Scarborough Village Theatre, 3600 Kingston Road (at Markham Road).
Additional rehearsals may be added as we move closer to the production opening, especially the week of opening. You will be asked to please list ANY potential conflicts.
Playing ages are an indication only, but also illustrate the age relative to other roles
(Male identifying)— (35-50) He is an unconventional man, impatient with high society, forgetful in his public graces, and poorly considerate of normal social niceties--the only reason the world has not turned against him is because he is at heart a good and harmless man with the soul of a child. His biggest fault is that he can be a bully, but he doesn’t know he is being one.
(Female Identifying)— (18-30) Eliza is a sassy, smart-mouthed kerbstone flower girl with deplorable English who is transformed into a (still sassy) regal figure fit to consort with nobility. Basically, three accents will be needed 1) total Cockney 2) total Lady 3) somewhere in between.
(Male identifying)— (50-60) The Colonel is a match for Higgins (although somewhat less obsessive) in his passion for phonetics. But where Higgins is a boorish, careless bully, Pickering is always considerate and a genuine gentleman.
(Male identifying)— (50-60) Alfred is Eliza's father, a vigorous dustman who "seems equally free from fear and conscience." Through Higgins' joking recommendation, Doolittle becomes a richly endowed lecturer to a moral reform society, transforming him from lowly dustman to a picture of middle class and he hates every minute of it. A Cockney accent is needed for Alfred.
(Female Identifying)— (60-70) Mrs. Higgins is a stately woman, and Henry’s mother, who sees the ‘Eliza Doolittle’ experiment as idiocy, and Higgins and Pickering as senseless children. She grows to like Eliza and does take her under her wing and picks up where her son leaves off in the training. A very upper crust British / second or third generation.
(Male identifying)— (20-30) In the opening, Freddy is a lackey to his mother and sister. Later, he is comically bowled over by Eliza and becomes lovesick for her and courts her with flowers and letters. Private schools, when they had money. Educated accent is needed – not fully Cambridge or Eton, but close.
(Female Identifying)— (40-50) Freddy’s mother and a lady of the upper-middle class who is in a rather impoverished condition but is still clinging to her gentility. Second generation.
(Female Identifying)— (20-30) Freddy’s snooty sister and the accent should show this. She tries to act the role of the modern, advanced young person, but is far from it underneath. (very stuck up over the top posh accent here-putting on airs)
(Female identifying)— (40+) This woman basically runs the household for Henry Higgins, in fact she probably runs him as well. A friendly woman who does end up taking a shine to Eliza and wanting her to have the best. (Working class accent, but not Cockney – more ‘back stairs’)
(Various ages) The characters in Scene One will range from the Covent Garden workers to the audience coming from the Opera and have no lines but are used as atmosphere. The opening scene does have four male speaking parts belonging to local workers and tradesmen. There is also a Constable with lines in Act Two and numerous maids and butlers throughout, a few with lines. These actors will also help change the sets (in character) when needed.
We endeavour to maintain a safe working environment –we recommend all participants in this production from creative staff, crews, actors, and other volunteers be fully vaccinated.
Auditions are open to anyone, regardless of background or experience, and we particularly welcome those who have been traditionally under-represented in theatre.
Scarborough Players is an inclusive community theatre company and encourages all interested individuals from all backgrounds to audition. Those auditioning must be non-equity performers and understand that this is a non-paying production. We do not enter into any contracts or agreements with CAEA or ACTRA.
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