Our 3 groups have over 300 members that form our theatre family.
Each company welcomes folks who want to participate in, contribute to or just enjoy theatre!
Our members help shape our company and in return we offers a number of perks! See below.
Individual - One person. This type of membership counts towards life membership.
Household - 2 adults in the same household. This type of membership counts towards life membership.
Associate (SMT only) - Individual under 18. This type of membership does not count towards life membership.
Life - Individual who has been a paid member for 12 consecutive years.
Individual Membership
Scarborough Music Theatre - $40/year
Scarborough Players and Scarborough Theatre Guild - $20/year
Household Membership (2 adults, same household)
Scarborough Music Theatre - $70/year plus $20 for each additional household member
Scarborough Players and Scarborough Theatre Guild - $30/year
Associate Membership (under 18 years of age) - $0
Life Membership - $0
50% off opening night tickets for all companies, group newsletters, free entry if seats are available, voting rights at meetings of the membership and more