Director: Mario D’Alimonte
Producer: Linda Ramsay
The Odd Couple is a comedy about a pair of roommates who are complete opposites in their habits and lifestyles. Oscar Madison is a divorced New York sportswriter who revels in being a complete slob. Oscar resides in an eight-room Riverside Drive apartment, where the entire play is set, and his life is in upheaval because his newly separated friend, Felix Ungar, has moved in with him. Felix is a neat freak who is obsessed with cooking gourmet meals, purifying the air, and removing every speck of dust from Oscar’s domain. Even though Oscar and Felix are like oil and water, and even though they drive each other crazy, they do care about each other. Until moving in together, their friendship has persisted despite their differences. Can the friendship survive their new status as roommates?
May 30, 31, June 5, 6, 7, 12 and 13 at 8pm
June 1, 8 and 14 at 2pm.
Venue: Scarborough Village Theatre, 3600 Kingston Rd (NE corner of Kingston and Markham)
Sunday, March 16, 2025 from 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Tuesday, March 18, 2025 from 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Sunday, March 23, 2025 from 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Scarborough Theatre Guild Rehearsal Unit – 2105 Midland Avenue, Unit 16, Scarborough, Ontario (the building is immediately north of the Midland LRT station on east side, south of Progress. The unit and both driveway exits face Cosentino Drive)
Please prepare a 1-2 minute comedic monologue. Please bring a copy of your resumé and headshot to the audition.
Callbacks will consist of scenes from the show. We ask that you be available for the full callback so we can have a chance to experiment with different pairings/groupings of actors. Sides will be provided in advance via email to all actors who receive a callback.
If you would like to read the play before auditioning, the script will be on reserve at the Performing Arts Desk, 5th floor, Toronto Reference Library, 789 Yonge Street, and at the Community Desk of the Toronto Public Library, Cedarbrae Branch, at 545 Markham Road in Scarborough.
For information, or to book an audition time, email Linda Ramsay at lindaramsay25@hotmailcom.
If you must cancel on your audition night, please call Linda Ramsay, the producer, at 416‑473-5220 or email her at
Commence: Sunday, March 30, 2025 from 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Continue: Tuesdays & Thursdays from 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Sundays from 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Note: The ages of characters are flexible and casting will be based on chemistry between actors. Scarborough Theatre Guild welcomes diversity in casting and actors of all backgrounds, identities and abilities are encouraged to apply!
Oscar Madison – A gruff, slovenly sportswriter who enjoys the bachelor lifestyle. Oscar is fun-loving but messy, and while he can be sarcastic, he has a heart of gold. Age Range: 35 - 50
Felix Ungar – A neat freak with obsessive compulsive tendencies. Felix is a fussy, neurotic man, sensitive to the world around him but often oblivious to how he irritates others. Age Range: 35 - 50
Murray the Cop – A good-natured, reliable police officer who is a friend of Oscar’s. He often acts as the peacekeeper in the story. Age Range: 30+
Vinnie– One of Oscar’s poker buddies, who is easy-going but prone to occasional nervousness. Age Range: 30+
Roy– Another poker player. He is Oscar’s accountant, and he can be pretty critical of Oscar’s behaviour. Age Range: 30+
Speed – Another poker buddy. He can be gruff and sarcastic. Age Range: 30+
Gwendolyn Pigeon – Oscar and Felix's giggly and flirtatious upstairs neighbor, one of a pair of English sisters. She is a widow. Age Range: 30 – 40
Cecily Pigeon – The other Pigeon sister who also lives upstairs and is also giggly and flirtatious. She is a divorcee. Age Range: 30 – 40
This production is Non Paying/Non Equity
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